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Solution Notes

NaaS CBRS and Wi-Fi on One Platform

May 11, 2023

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As companies upgrade their supply chains with connected devices and equipment, reliable wireless connectivity is becoming a critical requirement.

One Platform

As companies upgrade their supply chains with connected devices and equipment, reliable wireless connectivity is becoming a critical requirement. Network outages can directly harm the bottom-line, making it imperative to invest in the most secure and reliable enterprise wireless connectivity available. With technology evolving rapidly and cyber-attacks on the rise, purchasing enterprise wireless connectivity as a service from specialized providers is a smart move. By doing so, businesses can focus on their core operations, while leaving the complicated management of their wireless network to experts. 

Ramen Inc., a secure wireless Networks as a Service (NaaS) company uses a full-stack approach, combining hardware, software, and operations so that any company can seamlessly run on a reliable and secure wireless network, deployed, and managed by Ramen. By partnering with Ramen, enterprises no longer need to worry about their wireless network and can focus on their core business.

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